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Friday, January 4, 2013


I have two grand daughters.
They love to have tea parties.
They love to have tea parties with their Honey.
While  here at Christmas, I promised Rosalyn I would "have her over for tea"....
and she doesn't forget a thing.

My house was a wreck.
There was stuff all over the counter, dishes in the sink, boxes everywhere.
We were all still in our pajamas, no one had brushed their hair or put on makeup.
It was not an environment conducive for a fancy schmancy tea party.

But we did it anyway.
In the midst of the chaos, I grabbed a tablecloth and a single crotched doily and threw it on the table. We all grabbed a hat from the dress up box and viola'.....
Just like that...
 we were having fun.

We used plain old sweet tea and Oreo cookies..
Their Paw Paw was the kind waiter who served us that day.

We used imaginary sugar cubes and cream for the tea and used words like
smashing and scrumptious.

We all held out our pinkies exactly the way you're supposed to to properly drink a spot of tea.

We pretended we were all dolled up in our fanciest best.

It was one of the best tea parties I've ever attended.
I'm so thankful I didn't wait for the perfect environment.
I'm so thankful we didn't take time to get all gussied up.
If we had....we might have missed this moment together.
This memory.
This smile.

Don't miss out on living while waiting for "perfect".
Perfect is already here.

Stephanie :)


  1. It was perfect. You throw a mean proper tea party.


  2. so precious. my favorite photos are the ones of your husband pouring the tea. what a man!! :)

  3. How wonderful! I just love following along with your beautiful family through Instagram and your blog :)

  4. That is so adorable! What a perfect tea party! I absolutely love that little tea-set.

    There are so many things I'm looking forward to as my daughter gets older and having tea parties is definitely one of them.

    I hope the new year is treating you well so far!

  5. Loved it!! It was the perfect tea party! I have been missing you ( I feel like we are together when I read your BLOG!). Wishing you all a blessed 2013 and looking forward to see the many adventures of Honey Holden! I cant believe how big those grandbabies are getting! Love you all!

  6. It's the little things and how sweet that you embraced it!!! What a blessing you are to your family. Being together...that's what matters :)

  7. I say this was the best tea party ever.
    You are so right. if you wait for the perfect moment, the perfect moment will never come.

  8. Honey girl I am CAH-razy about you! I've missed your posts and so glad to see you back in action, well in blog land that is. you clearly have been very busy and living it up! So happy for you! Love this! Ps. Your family is the cutest!

  9. i adore your family. that your honey served the tea just blows me away. he's a keeper girl...

  10. EEp. Such a great memory. It looks perfect!!

  11. I absolutely love all of this! I love the idea of a dress up box and that tea set is so precious! What a sweet, sweet Grandma you are!

  12. What a precious post! Your pictures are priceless, as are your memories.

  13. Oh, this brought the biggest smile to my heart! I'm thinking a tea party is on the horizon for me and my little Granddaughter one day soon! A lovely new year to you!

  14. so sweet! something i really need to embrace! thanks for the reminder!

  15. Amazing!

    Andrea J.

  16. Amen! How beautifully shared.
    Thank you, friend.

  17. I'm sitting here next to my momma reading this post and it makes me smile. Perfect is already here.

  18. What an adorable post. I just became a grandmother a year ago. The excitement these past months have been so humbling!!! I viewed this post, seeing all the wonderful things ahead for me with this grandchild. Thank you. Found you through Farmgirl Pants.
    Blessings, Laurie

  19. yes yes yes! i love everything about this. those little sweeties.

  20. i love. those girls are blessed!
    all y'all are.

    and let's chat about that tea set?! ADORABLE.

    love you!!


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