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Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Totally 80's birthday

Well being that Lauren's birthday is coming up next week and I never shared with y'all last years party....I thought I better do that now.
It was great reminiscing as I looked through these pics.

All my girls love vintage.  I guess because they have been raised by a momma who has always loved it even before it was so vogue.  
But the vintage I'm drawn to is stuff from the 50's, 60's and 70's.  
The seventies is where I draw the line on what's considered vintage....but not Lauren.
The girl is drawn to the 80's stuff.. she's like an 80's magnet.
Just a couple of weeks ago she brought me home a treat from the thrift store.
It was a little country geese key rack.  Y'all remember those?
In fact, my very first kitchen was decorated in the blue country geese!  lol.
I'm just not ready to add the 80's to my list of what's vintage.....but that is just me.

Anyway....I thought it was only fitting to throw her an 80's birthday party last year.
Here are some of the festivities.  Maybe you can use an idea or two if you decide to throw one yourself.

Of course neon colors....

And the rad glasses...
Sadly, I owned a similar pair of these for my roller skating days.

The pies don't factor into the 80's theme but she had no idea we were having a party and she requested pies instead of a cake.  I had some awesome ideas for a 80's birthday cake but alas....this momma aims to please. 

The party favors were  microphones.
We each got one...and oh did we use them at the party.

Do y'all remember those picture packets you get from Sears or Walmart and the package includes like 500 mini pictures you can't use for anything?   Well I finally used some of them....18 years later!
I taped one onto each microphone with a piece of construction paper that said "Lauren is Totally 18".

Later we played a 80's version of charades.  Each person drew a card and you had to act out what was on the card.  They were all high school yearbook stereotypes.
This was hilarious.
My brother Marvin drew "Most Beautiful" and all he kept doing was pointing to his wife, Ms Dianne.
She used to be a lunch lady in the cafeteria for a while back in the day and everyone was screaming "lunch lady"!!  It was super sweet when they all found out it was "most beautiful".
Aww.... score one for Marvin.....and yes, Totally true. She is a beautiful woman inside and out.

This next thing was fun and got everyone involved.....I had our family come up with 18 most memorable "Lauren Moments" and I read this out loud after she blew out her candles.
(if you try to read them...they probably won't make since to you.  Just trust me, it was hysterical!)

And then there's the 80's clothes...
This gold pin came straight out my jewelry box.
I've had it since Jr. High and wore in in a family picture with my black suit jacket with massive shoulder pads and white ruffled shirt with a little black bow tie.
I promise it was all the rage.

And of course you can't have a 80's party without someone wearing tight rolls.
Back in the day, Nick was a master tight roller.  He would always redo mine for me in the parking lot in the morning before school started. lol

Lydia slept in braids to get the 80's crimped look.
I have a pic of her head full of braids but she might disown me if I share it.
And check out the scrunchy!  Remember those!

Big hair and a side pony tail for me.
And blue eyeliner.  of course.

Lauren had no idea we were doing this, so we had to pick out an outfit for her to change into.
Loved her leg warmers.

 Daddy went with the 80's preppy look...

Marky-Poo went with the heavy metal big hair rocker dude.

Maw Maw Dianne rocked the 80's shoulder pads
and Marvin...well we still aren't sure what look he was going for but we were THRILLED he even dressed up!  Woo Hoo!

Mike and Sherry joined Marcus with the 80's Hair Band look.

This pic cracks me up...they were in a serious discussion as we waited for the birthday girl to arrive.
They totally forgot what they were wearing for a minute. didn't take them long to get back in character. lol

Nick looking fly in his layered polos with popped collars.

...getting in position to scream "surprise" when Lauren arrived.

And she WAS surprised.

This was what she thought was her birthday outfit...

But this was her REAL birthday outfit!

 Blakey-Poo was going for the Miami Vice look. 
But he totally needed him some white threads to make it complete.
He WAS wearing his loafers without socks though.

We got Clyde and Kellie, Blake's mom and step-dad,  in on the fun too!

Oh and remember talking about all those photo packages from Sears and Walmart with a million pictures in sizes you can't use?  Besides the hundreds of mini pics, they also give you those massive prints that are too big to put anywhere.
Well, dragging them around with every move we've made over the years paid off....
This was her group birthday card that everyone signed.

 Well there ya have it...
Lauren's Totally 80's 18th Birthday Party.
She was like, really like, a happy girl.  Totally.

Maybe I won't wait an entire year to share with you this year's celebration!
We shall see

Stephanie :)


  1. aggg. I am dying. totally rad :) love this!

  2. I ADORE everything about this party! Pegged pants? Crimped hair? Oh yes, I did it all! And I love the microphone party favor. Like totally rad there Honey!

  3. One of my Favorite of your Blogs Yet !!! YoU Are The Bomb MoM !!! XX

  4. Fabulous party! I love that everyone dressed up for it. We don't usually have much luck with that.

  5. Hi Stephanie,

    the party looks Great! being, I am a child of the 80's I like, really like it alot! lol!
    I love all the fun you have w/your girls, hubbie & grand's! you are such a fun gal that truely lets her light shine in everything you do!
    I love following you on instagram too! I'm mombjl.....
    I also have my eye on your hymn necklaces!

  6. Oh my goodness! This looked like such a fun party! I loved looking at your pictures. Thanks for sharing.

  7. what a totally awesome party!! :) brings back so many fun memories.

  8. Adorable! You guys are too cool. Could you please adopt me? Thank you!


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