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Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday's Letters

Dear Honey Pot Blog,
 I'm sorry I have been neglecting you.  I have so much to share with, fun adventures, wedding stuff, ... I'll get back to you soon. I promise.  And I'm slowly but surely catching up with all the wonderful ladies who leave me encouraging comments on you.  I'm like a snail but I'm doing it!

Dear everyone on Instagram who requested a nail from Nick,
   They are coming!  I'm gonna be working on them tomorrow and hopefully they will go in the mail on Monday! We were overjoyed with how many of you wanted one to share with others!  To God be the glory!.  ps. watch my shop....we will be putting them in there soon by the dozen for those who have requested them to witness with!  Woo hoo for spreading the gospel!!

Dear Christy,
  Thank you for sharing your talent with the world.  You bless me with your lyrics that draw me closer to the Lord.  And you make road trips more fun.  I want to sound like you in heaven.

Dear Husband of mine,
  I love sitting in the seat next to you everywhere you go.  So thankful that God interrupted our lives and changed us.   So thankful for how he used you this weekend at East Union Baptist Church and so thankful for the loving folks He allowed us to meet there.  Oh...and I've got my eye on you :)

Dear Mariachi Band who serenaded us last Saturday night,
    I've never felt so special as when you made your awesome donkey sound.  Incredible.  And seriously.... The. Best. rendition of Old McDonald had a farm EVER!!  And your "My Girl" wasn't too shabby either.   I wish I could have taken y'all home in my purse.  

Dear Cooler Weather,
  Thanks for making my straight hair that flops as soon as I walk out the door work better.  I appreciate it a lot.

Dear Beautiful New Back Door Bling,
    Your colorful little self makes me smile every time I look at you. I love your funkiness so much....but not as much as I love the person who gave you to me!

Dear Calah,
  I had so much fun traipsing through the woods of Porterville on the 4-wheeler with you.  I can't wait til the next time and hopefully you can bring those boys of yours too.  love you and praying for you.  I know the Lord has you in His mighty right hand girl and He is using you to glorify Himself. He's got this.

Dear Children of Mine,
  I'm so glad y'all love Porterville night as much as I do.

Dear little Pumpkin I painted,
 I adore you.  The end. 
oh and ps....please don't rot anytime soon.

Dear Elizabeth,
You bless me so much for being the mom that you are.  I know you don't always see yourself as others do but I'm telling are amazing.  My grandchildren are so blessed to have you and Chris as their parents.  Keep teaching them about Jesus and living it out in front of them.  

Dear Lauren,
  I just wanted you to know that I forgive you for messing up your daddy and I's perfectly balanced formula for our 4 cup pot of coffee that we drink each morning.  Yes, your big green cup you like to drink on the way to school leaves one of us out to dry but we're all grown ups here right?  I'm getting over it.

Dearest Marcus Oh Son-in-law of mine,
   I'm filled with gratitude over the fancy hand drawn charcoal print you had to buy for me.  It's a treasure and since you bought it, I will make sure it's left to you when I die. You've let your wifey poison your mind over the "similarities" of Miss Piggy and me but I forgive you because I'm so sweet like that.
And you can read about how I am trying to overcome this complex they've given me here if you want to.  

ps.  I hung her her up already...and I still don't get what ya'll

 Thank you for finally sending me some of your doodles to create with.  I hope the new Lydia Linton Collection is a blessing to many.  

Dear Lake Placid,
 Watch out cuz here I come!!! Woo Hoo!!!

ps. if you've had your eye on anything in the shop, now is the time to scoop it up cuz for one...I'm having a sale!  love those!  And two....after this Tuesday, I won't be back in the shop til October 18th.  (I'll be loving on my grand babies until then)




  1. you are a TREASURE!
    seriously girl...i want to be more like you, because you remind me of Him.

  2. That pumpkin is SO cute!! I might just have to copy you ;) Love the polka dots! And your hair is SO pretty. Like, I'm jealous.

  3. That cross is gorgeous! Love it! Love the cute little pumpkin too.

  4. That's SO awesome about the nails and people wanting them!!! PTL!!! :) I also love Christy, she's pretty stellar. HAVE SO MUCH FUN on your trips!!!! Sounds AMAZING!!!!

  5. you bless my little soul with your words! seriously. wish i could hug your neck.

  6. Great letters, can't even pick out which one I enjoyed the most, they were all so good. Enjoy your time away, especially with the Grans. We're in Kansas this weekend to celebrate our Grandson's 4th birthday. Blessings and safe travels!

  7. Your Friday letters never cease to make me smile.
    ~ I love those nails. What an awesome witnessing tool they are!
    ~ I love getting glimpses of Porterville night via IG each week.
    ~ That pumpkin you painted is so dreamy.
    Have a great time on your trip!


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