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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I do love you more...

Mrs. Holden, there's no doubt, I love you more...

1.   I simply love you... yes, every single thing about you and about us
2.   I love the parts of you that you don't
3.   I love the way, and how often, you smile
4.   I love your mouth
5.   I love the way you smell
6.   I also love your cute smeller
7.   I love the color and gleam in your beautiful eyes
8.   I also love how you look at me
9.   I love your heart and how you pour it in all you do
10. I love your love for Jesus, His precious word and His people
11. I love your sweet and sacrificial spirit
12. I also love your free sprirt and love of adventure
13. I love how you cook... it's my favorite food in all the world
14. I love your taste in things, from food to people and everything
15. I love your sense of humor
16. I love that you hunger to grow and invest what you know in others
17. I love the way you are with people and how tenderly you serve others
18. I love your craftiness and artistic mind
19. I love that you always care
20. I love that you love and really enjoy being with our girls
21. I love that you treasure our grandchildren and delight to be their Honey
22. I love your frugalness
23. I love to hear your lovely voice
24. I love how you always honor me
25. I love that you are my bride and being the man you have loved so well the past 25 years, than ever!

Happy Anniversary,


  1. too. dang. sweet.
    happy anniversary, y'all!
    god is mighty good and you sure shine him brightly.
    love you so. xoxo

  2. Ah, that made me tear up. Evidently you both love well and are well loved in return. Blessings to you both on your 25th anniversary!

  3. Oh my goodness!! How precious!! Happy Anniversary!! You guys have a love so special and so the ones around you and to the ones across the country!! You are such a wonderful example of love! :)

  4. Oh my...the sweetest hack job ever. You were a busy bee yesterday while I was off with the girls. I love you Nick. I love the way you love me.

    1. I was working on a list of 25 things I love about YOU for the blog today. So funny. xoxo

  5. I LOVE THIS!! Happy Anniversary Honey & Nick!! Here's to the next 25 years...and beyond!!

  6. Thanks for sharing this video Stephanie. It has really opened my eyes because as I watched I realized I could never (or at least not right now) make a video like this because I have so few pictures of my husband and I together. I hate getting in front of the camera so I rarely do it. But I need to have these memories recorded. It will become even more important as we get older. So, I've set a goal to take more pictures with my husband! Maybe I can make something like this for him on our 15th which is coming up in a couple of years. Something to shoot for anyway! Thanks for being you! I have inspired me in more ways than one over the last year.

    1. Actually, you have inspired me - I haven't inspired me self! LOL! :))

  7. that is the most precious thing! wow. you are such a blessed woman, stephanie! happy anniversary. :)

  8. So precious, thoughtful, and what a way for your husband to bless you as you have clearly blessed him. Happy Anniversary!!!

  9. Oh my goodness this made me cry a happy cry. So, so very sweet!!! The two of you seriously inspire me to want to be a better wife, mother and married couple with my husband. I can only hope that we're as happy in 15 years as you two are today. Thank you for sharing this. And, a very very Happy Anniversary to you two! Here's to many, many more years of happiness & love. xo

  10. love THIS!!!! you have such a sweet man, honey ;)
    i loved reading all the things he loves about you, and watching the video was so fun - i could just see so so clearly the deep love in each picture, and it made my heart happy. =)
    i hope and pray that your day is especially blessed, and that you and nick have many more years together, loving and serving God and one another in even greater ways than you already do. <3<3

  11. ohhhh, happy happy 25th to you both!
    "14. I love your taste in things, from food to people and everything" that was my favorite.

    and you two only get better in every way with age! what an encouragement.

  12. Happy Anniversary you crazy kids.
    I bet it feels just like yesterday. Thank you for always being such a wonderful example of what Christ centered marriage is.

    Eíthe o Theós na sas chori̱gí̱sei pollá chrónia!!!
    May God grant you many years.

  13. That was such a beautiful video! And that poem, talk about from the heart! Nick sure does love you Honey! Every girl dreams of meeting a man who adores her like that! I LOVE the pictures of you in the snow. Beautiful! Happy anniversary! Xo

  14. And, this is what happens when two people meet, fall in love and the Lord is in the center of the relationship. Blessings abundant for 25 more beautiful years! You both are truly blessed!

  15. Super super sweet! Happy Anniversary to y'all!


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