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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Everyday Gratitude: Week 6 & 7

Wow.  Time is flying by! Whoosh...week 6.  Zing....week 7! 
By the time I post this week 8 will almost be done!! Yowza!
I've found myself  very busy these past few weeks. 
 So much planning and so many projects going on at the Holden's... with two major milestones happening in a few months..a high school graduation and a wedding...well let's just say my "to do" list is ever before me.
Nevertheless, it's all good. I'm good. and more importantly...He's good!

So here's me continuing to be intentional and finding something to be thankful for each and every day this matter what ...

36.  for getting to hear what God is doing all the way in Africa through His servant who He gave a burden to for orphans. She was obedient to the call to GO and many were blessed because of it.  Can't wait to see what else He has in store for Miss Kaley.
37.  for not taking normal everyday moments for granted.
38.  for blankets from a friend because my part polar bear husband keeps our house like an ice box!!
39.  for Aunt Nellie and her pickled beets that makes my salads taste amazing!
40.  for wedding project supplies arriving from Hong Kong and it not being what you expected....instead it's a thousand times better! Yes!
41.  for getting to spend the afternoon together with my girls at the show.
42.  for this man coming home to me.  Even one night away is too long.
43.  for the ladies of Oak Grove recommending  the Sugar Shack to Nick as the best place to get a king cake
44.  for having such crazy fun grand kids!! Rosalyn doing "the swim" and Jules doing  "the robot" 
45.  for my valentine
46.  for Calah coming to see me today and getting to spend time catching up over lunch....and a trip to Dirt      Cheap together too :)
47.  for slushy cold sweet treats.
48.  for winning The Newlywed Game at a church fellowship even against some who had been married over forty years!
49.  for being able to hit the bed early when you're feeling a little under the weather.

The last two pics are what we people from Louisiana call "lagniappe"... a little something extra.
And of course they're pics of my grand kids :)
This time Nate Man is the star...he's sitting up in the buggy now AND rolling over!
Way to go Nate the Great!!

So what you been thankful for lately?
You know, the alternative to gratitude is bitterness...
I don't recommend it.
For reals.  

Stephanie :)


  1. FUN catching up, look at all thelove in these photos!!!

    (did you get your cards yet:0

  2. You are a busy bee. And how great to have an order be something better than what you sent for. All great photos.

  3. pickled beats?!?!? i just threw up.
    my husband keeps our house cold too. too cold.


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