Anyways, when today's Time Hop goodness popped up it put a really big smile on my face. It showed a link to a blog post that I had posted three years ago today.
The post was prompted by a text that was sent to me on that exact day one year earlier. (Four years ago today)
Ha! This is how we found out about our little Nate Dog. In a text. lol. Excuse the poor grammar in my response back to her. I was kinda in a-oh my gosh-I'm so excited- this can't be real kind of way. At the time she sent that text, Rosalyn was 2 yrs old and Julia Rose was 6 months old.
Here is the link to that post. You really MUST read it in order for the rest of what I'm about to say to make sense. It's short and sweet...I promise. But for those who won't go click over, here's an excerpt from the post...
"And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.2 Corinthians 9:8
First off, God is able. Stop right there. That truth alone is enough. period.But there's more! God's grace IS sufficient for ALL things....The big stuff of life, the little everyday things of life and everything in-between.And it's not only sufficient.. It's abundantly sufficient! His grace at work in our lives produces an abundance of whatever is needed for the task at hand.
Elizabeth needed patience. She needed to be able to trust what God was doing with her family.She needed to let go of control and let God have control.
And He has done that in and through her.Sure, she still has moments of being worn out physically and emotionally.
But, I witnessed the Lord graciously equip her with what she needs for this season of her life."
Wow. So much has happened since I wrote those words. Chris resigned as a youth pastor to enroll full time in seminary. They moved 10 hours away from all their family. Chris's laundry business has also expanded which keeps him super busy. Rosalyn has started Kindergarten. Julia Rose has broken her leg and arm three times. Elizabeth has turned her love for essential oils into her own home business and Chris went on staff as an intern at their church while he still takes seminary classes online. And they've moved two more times in the midst of all of this.
And then there is this... a text I got earlier this year from Elizabeth when she and I were planning a surprise birthday party for my mom, Lydia and Julia Rose who are all the middle children. "Middles"
Yes, I found out about two of my grandchildren through a text message. lol. I love it. Of course this was followed by a loud squeal from me, then me telling her daddy, then him praising Jesus, and then a phone call to hear her voice. And then lots of excited giggling from me and lots of weary sighs from Elizabeth.
You see, among lots of other surprises that has taken place in the last three years, Nate didn't turn out as "laid back" as we thought he was. lol. He is a hand full at times. And loves to "test the boundaries" his parents have established for him. To say he keeps them busy is an understatement.
As I write this, Elizabeth is nearing the end of her pregnancy. She only has about 4 more weeks, give or take and she is feeling it. She stays tired but oh my goodness, she is beautiful.
These kids are so pumped up to meet their little sister. I can't wait to watch them take on this new adventure as the new family dynamics change upon her arrival. (Getting Rosalyn to school across town on time with a new baby is gonna be fun for sure. Especially when that first born likes to be ON TIME no matter what.)
Yep there has been a lot of things that have changed since I wrote that first blog post. Lots of unexpected challenges for sure.
But this Truth remains. It never changes.
"And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.
2 Corinthians 9:8
It was true then and it is true now.
I know Chris and Elizabeth have lots of things they will face that will seem impossible as they enter into being a family of six. I know they at times have questioned what God is up to with entrusting them with four children to raise and nurture. I know at times they are scared to death they are just messing them up.... I know this because it's the same fears that every parent has had at one time or another.
But what I also know, and God has proven to me in my own life, and I've watched Him prove it to Chris and Elizabeth in theirs, is that God is able. And His grace is sufficient.
I'm praying these two walk and live in this promise in the days and months and years ahead...
"And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.
2 Corinthians 9:8
I absolutely cannot wait to meet the next little human that these two have made together.
God is so great!

First, those kids are so stinkin' cute.
ReplyDeleteSecond, I love that you took the time to write this out. I think, even as adults, it's a special thing to be encouraged by your mam's perspective. The fact that you've been watching so closely and taking note...I hope your girls know how blessed they are.