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Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Today you turn three.

It's only been three years yet I can hardly remember life 
before you were here.

You are a joy...

You are a trip!

You are a sheer delight...

And you'll always be Honey's Toot Toot.

We have had SO much FUN together these past three years....

Your smile is one of my favorite things in the world!

...and your giggle!

...And your kisses for sure!!

You have grown into quite the little lady with LOTS of personality!

And my heart had to grow bigger to make all your love fit in there!!

You are such a big helper!

And I always love finding out what you are thinking about.

I look forward to seeing how the Lord is going to use you and the personality He has given you to impact the world....

But I'm in no hurry .... I am enjoying every single second of watching you grow!

Happy Birthday My sweet girl!
Hope your day is as special as you!

....Here are some pictures Honey thought you might love to see!
I took them of a little princess who came to my house for a visit not too long ago! She had long long hair and looked just like Rapunzel!  ;)

I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck!
Thanks for making being a grandma so much FUN!!


ps.  the winner of my little giveaway was #14.. X-Factor Buddy!
Woot Woot!  You won AND your show comes on go girl!



  1. awwww happy birthday to your sweet granddaughter!!

  2. oh my gosh she is so stinkin cute!

  3. So adorable!!!!! Aww, happy birthday, precious little girl!!!

  4. Happy Birthday beautiful little one! Awesome post, such a fun loving family!

  5. She is beautiful and hilarious... an excellent combination xx

  6. Beautiful post, beautiful little girl and beautiful pictures!

  7. oh my gosh!! these pictures are so beautiful.. my favorites are the most recent photo shoot looking ones.. so gorgeous!!

    grandma taught me "I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck!" and we say it to scarlett all the time.

    love your blog!!



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