I'm sitting here watching the footage from 9-11.
I had forgotten.
I had gone on with my life and I had forgotten.
And for that I am so sorry to all who lost their loved ones.
It's ten years later and I watch this while holding my one week old grandson and watching my two granddaughters play.
And as I watch what took place that day, I feel a sence of guilt that I have them in my life...
Yet overwhelming thankfulness too.
I feel so many emotions
Dismay and shock. Even after 10 years it's hard to believe.
Anger for the people responsible
Relief that my family was safe.
Guilt that my family was safe.
Pride in the way our country pulled together.
As I cried as I watched it, my granddaughter kept asking me "Why you sad Honey?"
"Why you crying Honey?"
How do you explain what happened to a 2 yr old?
How do you explain such evil to anyone?
It's 10 years later and my life has gone on.
Instead of loss, I've gained.
I've gained a son-n-law, two grand daughters and a grand son.
Yet so many that day experienced incredible loss.
Sons that won't get the chance to become a husband or daddy.
Daughters that will never know what's it's like to be a mommy.
Men and women who lost the loves of their lives in an instant.
Daddies who will never came home.
Mommies who will never be there to watch their babies grow up.
Dreams shattered.
Lives changed forever
I had forgotten.
For that I am so sorry.
For every life that was forever effected that day, I'm sorry.
You deserve to be remembered
You deserved to be honored.
I will not forget.
"We put our hope in the Lord. He is our help and our shield.
In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His holy name.
Let Your unfailing love surround us Lord, for our hope is in You alone."
Psalm 33:20-22
Goosebumps as I read this. My heart is just as heartbroken for the lives lost today as it was 10 years ago.