One of my favorite traditions with the girls growing up was new Easter outfits.
Now before y'all start throwing me under a bus, I know this is not what Easter is about.
I am so incredibly thankful and in awe of the sacrifice that Jesus paid on my behalf.
Easter is because of Him and for Him...He died on a cross for my sins and your sins but on the third day He rose again! He's alive! And He's alive in me!
You see, for many of the girl's early years..I didn't know and understand that important truth.
Jesus was not the center of our celebration and I am so thankful for a transformed heart and understanding of the cross today.
And as unspiritual as it is, new easter outfits from Mawmaw Loni was a huge part of my girls growing up......
She started off sewing the girls matching dresses when they were little. Then she began to buy them and ship us a package that was super exciting to open up and discover what color they would be that year. Then eventually, we began to take our spring break vacations at her house every year and she would take the girls shopping. We made some fun memories that I and the girls will always cherish with my momma. Still to this day, seeing little white dress shoes whisks me back to days that seem like a lifetime ago...
~ Oh the memories ~
Lydia's face.
Lauren's cheeks.
Elizabeth's mothering.
Lauren's cheeks.
Elizabeth's mothering.
The 90's and it's puffy sleeves.
Our Tennessee Easter's at Mawmaw D's little cabin.
Elizabeth was not having any of it this year.
But Lauren on the other hand...
Quite possibly my favorite.
The little white gloves....
Lydia's face. Again.
Elizabeth's "dangly" earrings were a big deal this year.
And so was my hat.
We visited a church while there in Tennenesee and I was the only lady wearing one.
You know how you feel like everyone is staring at you even though they're not when you visit a new church you've never been to? Yeah...well this time they really were.
I may just have to frame this one.
My sweet little girls.
My sweet little girls.
The hats. We love us some hats.
And Lydia's butterfly clip holding back bangs that she still swears to this day she didn't cut herself.
And my beehive.
And awkward pose.
Lauren's broken arm.
Elizabeth getting to the "I'm too old for this stuff" stage.
Lydia's scarf.
Those shoes.
Elizabeth's braces.
My beehive. Again.
Lydia's super fancy palazzo pants.
The girls were rockin the black and white theme this year.
My last Easter to have all three chicks in my nest.
Elizabeth was married that November.
And for good measure so the girls won't hate me...
I'll share one of me from back in the day.
I have no idea what my mom was thinking with this dress.
Or that haircut. Oh that haircut....I'm pretty sure both my brother's hair was longer than mine.
But I had it going on with Easter grass!
I hope y'all have a wonderful day celebrating our risen Savior regardless what your'e wearing!
Just so you know...I won't be wearing a hat this Sunday.

ps. this was inspired by this post. Thank you Joyce for inspiring me to revisit days gone by.